AMR2FRED is a software application to translate Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) to RDF using the knowledge patterns applied by the FRED machine reading method. AMR2FRED takes as input a valid AMR of a text, and outputs RDF triples in a specific serialisation (RDF/OWL, Turtle, NTriples), after a number of steps of translation, mapping, processing, and application of SW and LD best practices.

A paper describing AMR2FRED has been accepted for publication to the ESWC Conference where it won the best demo award. A standalone application can be extracted from here.
The documentation about how to use AMR2FRED as a HTTP REST service can be found here.

Input AMR:
Some Examples:

Output type:

Get result from FRED Reading Machine...

Get rid of errors...

Input TEXT:

Logo UniCaAmr2Fred result...
